Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Next Time

I have a favor to ask. Before you go out to lunch, or before you and your spouse go out for dinner and a movie, stop for a moment and pray. 

Ask God if He would have you invest that $20 or $60 or $100 to feed children in Sudan or provide a meal for the homeless in Albuquerque or in your hometown? Maybe you can do both. But if you have to choose, perhaps, just perhaps, this time God would ask you to give to someone who will never be able to thank you this side of heaven. 

Maybe you have been blessed financially and can give much more AND enjoy the niceties of life. Praise God, for all good gifts come from heaven!

Below are a few good choices, but there are of course many, many worthwhile organizations. If you would be interested in knowing more about the Navajo Brethren In Christ Mission in New Mexico, feel free to contact me, we would love to share with you what God is doing here.

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